Our Programs

Youth Ex-Co Programme

This programme is held at the all Goa level where in the ex-co members of the parish youth group, i.e the coordinater , secretary and treasurer participate in it. In this programme the statutes and guidelines, do's end dont's along with a briefing of the activities thought the year i.e the yearly planner are highlighted and the Feedback of the yearly octivities are taken from cach porish.

Nature A-Live

Nature gives us so much and yet somewhere on the lines we forget to give it back in return. The youth of today need to realize that if we don't save mother carth now than it will boomerang on us in the near future and we will have our own selves to blame. Before its too late, this programme focuses on giving the youngsters a chance to be with and experience the warmth of Mother Earth.


In a world tern apart with communal tensions, this progremme calls every youngster, be of any religion to spend time together in love and harmony and wark on ways and means to make this world a better place to live in.


This is one extensive course for five consecutive days held during the diwali vacatiens in order to groom leadersfor the society at large. the theee different aspects highlighted during this programme are: Spiritual, Social ond Personality Development.

Youth Aspire

It is a program which focuses on career guidance and thus has resource persons coming from different professions to make the youth aware of the different avenues available to them rather than being hooked on to a few professions only.


Youth as a force have a lot of capabilities to get to the fore and make a difference in the world. What they lack sometimes is the belief that 'they can'. This program revelves around building up their self esteem and telling them of the different possibilities by which their very presence in the society con have a catalyst affect.

Youth Retreat

There comes a time when we all would want a renewal in life and the diocesan Youth Centre gives the youth the opportunity to spiritually refuel themselves with the annual youth retreat. This retreat is held at an all Goa level. It includes praise and worship, sessians, and adoration all geared towards inner healing

Diocesan Youth Day

This is a day organised by the Diocesan Youth Centre at a specific ploce inviting 10 to 20 youth from every parish of Goa depending upon the size of the parish for an 'All Goa Youth Day. It's an opportunity of a life time for the young to mix up with youth frem different parishes and to enjoy a beautiful moment in fellowship and formation once a yeor.

Youth Pasch

This programme is one of a kind and a life time opportunity for youth to participate in it during the time of the holy week. The participants are limited to only 40 in number and are token on first come first serve basis as to give the youth an opportunity to walk with Christ enduring his passion, death and rising up with the Lord in His resurrection. Past evaluation have a thumbs up to this programme by the youth as being one of the best and the mast enriching one on the youth planner.

All Goa Youth Football Tournament

It is done in collaboration with St. Jehn Paul II Foundation for Sports. The criteria for selection is that the parish has to win the tournament played between the parishes in theie respective deanery. These teams than get to battle it out at the All Goa Youth Football Tournament.

Parish Youth Formation

The diocesan youth team almost on every Sunday goes to different parishes organizing formation programs for the youth at the request of the parish youth animator. The programs consists of animation and different input sessions as per the requirements of the parish youth group.

Deanery Level Programs

The diocesan youth centre organises programmes also at the deanery level which focuses on formation, service, spirituality and fellowship. The day includes sessions given by resource persons who are qualified in their specific fields, Animation and a day that promises good and clean fun all the way !!!

Confirmation Students Formation

The diocesan youth center is involved in enlightening the young minds with knowledge that they would require during this teenage phase of life. They are also encouraged to join the parish youth group as their presence is of great importance to the parish and to the church.